Friday, January 16, 2004


This is day 249 of CPT Patti's all desert cammouflage wardrobe experiment.

Today's posts are brought to you by the Rapid German Study Foundation...saving you valuable study time by pointing out German phrases you do not need to learn.

Today's phrase you shouldn't bother to learn is

diese Gaststätte hat zu viele Kellnerinnen

Or, in English, "This restaurant has too many waitresses."

You will never ever need this phrase in Germany. The Europeans are renowned for spending hours over dinner in restaurants and bistros - even hours over a single cup of coffee in sidewalk cafe's.

But the truth is they don't actually WANT to spend hours is just that the usual standard for waitstaff in Germany is one waitress per every 14 square kilometers.

If you are interested in getting out of a restaurant quickly then you have no business entering a German restaurant to begin with. No one ever does dinner and a movie in is always a movie followed by dinner for this very reason.

Don't waste time...don't learn this phrase.

Oh...and Happy Birthday Scott.

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