Thursday, August 21, 2003


Please pay close attention to the news reports that the "US was warned" about the bombing of the UN hotel in Baghdad.

The warning was the equivalent of me telling you "there will be an earthquake in California."

But, of course, the news outlets tend to hit you with "the USA was WARNED!", then let that just sort of hang there.

See the story.
A top member of Iraq's interim government says it had warned the United States of a possible terror attack in the Iraqi capital -- just days before yesterday's deadly truck bombing.

The bomb ripped through the Baghdad hotel that serves as a base for United Nations officials, killing at least 20 people.

Governing Council member Ahmad Chalabi (AHK'-mahd SHAH'-lah-bee) says the U-S-picked government had gotten information that a large-scale terror attack would happen in Baghdad -- and that it would be aimed at a so-called "soft target" instead of a military target. Chalabi says that information was shared with the Americans.

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