Saturday, December 06, 2003

Long averse to displays of patriotism due to the excesses and crimes of the Nazis, flag-waving outside of sporting events -- either real or figuratively -- has been largely taboo for this nation of 82 million. But now many young Germans have found new pride in the country’s prominent role along with France and Russia in opposing the war in Iraq.

“I thought ‘wow’ Germany stands for peace. It wasn’t always that way, you know,” explains the 23-year-old singer from Berlin who goes by the name Mieze.

Funny, to me it says Germany stands for inaction. That Germany stands by while some 300 Iraqis per day are slaughtered by their dictator - over the course of more than a decade.

To me it says that Germany stands for paying lip service to the notion of "legitimate actions sanctioned by the UN" while in fact the UN does nothing, not one single thing to seriously disrupt Saddam's reign of terror all the while thumbing his nose at the entirety of the UN.

To me it says that Germany puts its faith in such lamely executed UN programs as the "Oil for Food" program from which Saddam skimmed billions of dollars, built palace after gaudy palace while everyday Iraqis lived in squalor because electricity grids and sewer systems were improved only where they benefited Saddam and his lackeys.

To me it says that Germans are making an age-old mistake. They are equating the absence of war with peace.

And they are not the same at all.

Just ask the Iraqis.

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