Saturday, December 06, 2003

U.S. soldiers put their lives on the line fighting the war in Iraq. While they don't expect much on their return home, one thing they don't expect is to be cleaned out.

That's what happened to one Davenport soldier.

Davenport soldier Chad Baetke says its good to be home. He's grateful to have survived the horrible chopper crash that killed many of his fellow soldiers, but would like to know who robbed him while he was out serving his country.

Baetke was injured in the crash. "I've got a titanium plate in my face," he explains.

Baetke is still on the mend after surviving a deadly helicopter crash over Iraq last month, an attack which killed 16 of his fellow soldiers.

He returned to a rude awakening.

"My TV, my stereo, Playstation, my clothes scattered all over the place," says Baetke.

While he was thousands of miles away fighting in Iraq, someone jimmied the lock on his trailer.

"Whoever stole from me, it's pathetic what you did," says Baetke.

Chad says its not the end of the world. He's just grateful to be alive, but while this proud American soldier is able to shrug this one off, it still hurts.

"It was not a good homecoming, for me, to come to find my stuff taken."

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