Wednesday, July 16, 2003

The formation of the interim council shows that the U.S. is not pursuing any imperial dreams in Iraq. But this should not mean a short-term commitment by Washington, either. Many Iraqis believe that the U.S. presence is needed for years, during which a new generation of leaders can grow in a democratic and pluralist atmosphere.

"Frankly, I would prefer the United States to rule directly for several years," says Ghassan Aityah, one of Iraq's most respected intellectuals. "Having widely traveled in Iraq recently and talked to people from all walks of life, I can tell you that Iraqis trust the U.S. more than our own politicians."

Nevertheless, it is unlikely that the American public will support any U.S. involvement in ruling Iraq beyond the next two to three years. Thus, Bremer has little time in which to transform a society shaped by almost half a century of despotism into one based on pluralism and power-sharing.

Interesting stuff. Read it all here.

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