Tuesday, November 18, 2003


Sarah has an interesting discussion going on in which Bloggers take a moment to remind themselves that not everyone is paying attention to the stuff we are paying attention to.

In my heart I knew she (and the others in the discussion) are correct.

But I didn't know to what extent.

Today I was on the phone ordering CPT Patti some more contact lenses.

I spoke with a friendly, outgoing and seemingly very competent sales girl located somewhere in the USA. As she negotiated the required fields for the mailing address, I mentioned that I was ordering for my wife..."a soldier in Baghdad".

As we went through the strange APO address exchange obviously her computer screen wanted her to fill in the country to which the shipment is directed.

"Your wife is in Baghdad, Sir?"

"Yes she is."

"Strange...I'm not showing Baghdad as a country in my database"

Stunned, bemused and a little taken aback...it took me a moment to gently indicate that Baghdad is the capitol of Iraq.

Some folks are not paying all that close attention, indeed.

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