Monday, October 27, 2003

It’s just plain great. It’s needed. It’s justice. It’s timely.

Yes, the Iraqi official now heading the Iraq US-appointed governing council spoke in Madrid to the international conference seeking to garner funds to plant freedom in New Iraq. His name is Aya Allawi. He spoke eloquently and honestly...

The Iraqi gentleman asked France and Germany in particular not to be stingy in their donations to rebuilding Iraq. After all there are real live people in that country waiting for support from freedom-based nations such as France and Germany and Russia...

Why then don’t these countries enjoying daily their freedoms flee to New Iraq with all aid possible? Aya Allawi wonders. And hosts of others back home wonder, too.

Those in the United States who have supported Iraqi Freedom Operation as well as the US-led coalition installing liberties there wonder why the stinginess on the part of certain countries.

It’s amazing. It’s appalling. It’s selfish. It’s sinful. It’s so awful that it needs to be written across the sky for years to come...

There are not civil words to describe how utterly infantile the nations are who could help lift burdens off backs of real live mortals called Iraqis, yet refuse to do so. May this nastiness truly be remembered forever by the Iraqis, not only in this generation but all generations to come.

As US President Bush and team are giving their energies night and day to liberate — not occupy but liberate — an entire nation previously led by a Muslim bloodhound, the French, German and Russian leaders in particular sit on their hands. May their hands wither beneath them.

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