Monday, March 01, 2004


See the comments here.

UPDATE: Duplicity watch seems to be a line to the mother lode. Check out this one:
Last week the Jerusalem Post reported that Kerry strongly defended Israel's controversial security fence as "a legitimate act of self defense." He said "the fence only exists in response to the wave of terror attacks against Israel," and insisted that the International Court of Justice in the Hague has no authority to pass judgment on it.

Yet just a few months ago, Kerry gave every indication of being firmly against it.

"We don't need another barrier to peace," he told the Arab American Institute in October. "Provocative and counterproductive measures only harm Israelis' security over the long term, increase the hardships to the Palestinian people, and make the process of negotiating an eventual settlement that much harder."

This may be the first time that a politician has literally come down on both sides of the fence.

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