Monday, December 15, 2003


When I spoke to CPT Patti this morning she sounded upbeat and wonderful as usual.

I asked her to tell me about when her soldiers heard the news.

CPT Patti has been working the midnight to 0800 shift..."so I was trying to sleep" she said.

"But then there were all these car horns and we could hear the celebratory gunfire. The 1SG knocked on my door and said "Ma'am, they say they've caught Saddam".

"The 1SG and I headed over to the CSM's hooch - he's got the big TV with the news connections...we watched the reports and the press conference."

"The soldiers were psyched. Of course, their first question...'can we go home early now?'...and that isn't going to happen...but you can't blame them."

I told her I am pleased that so many Iraqi's are happy...but to please keep her helmet on since the Iraqis are launching bullets into the air.

"Oh, of course, darling...we are in full battle-rattle."

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