Monday, October 27, 2003


What? Blowing up the Red Cross?

No, having to drink de-caf.

Frankly, today has not been a good day in Baghdad. All sorts of miscreant created murder and mayhem. I was a bit worried listening to the news reports.

But I find when I returned home from work, an e-mail note from CPT Patti.

And if I'm worried about what is going on in Baghdad...seemingly she isn't.

It was a short note...and when I edit out the stuff you guys don't need to see, it came down to this:

Life here is going fine. We are pretty much keeping up with a steady battle rhythm and work is not bad...

I could use some more coffee and creamer and sugar please. Right now, we are at zero balance and we are drinking decaf. It is a terrible crime. Help, please! :)

Soldiers do have their priorities...

God bless her, she's sweet.

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