Sunday, February 29, 2004


Quote anything out of Time magazine.

But then, I never thought I'd agree so much with anything I saw there. An excellent article highlighting the hypocricies of Hollywood.
“Mel Gibson’s provocative new film, ‘The Passion of the Christ,’ is making some of Hollywood’s most prominent executives uncomfortable in ways that may damage Mr. Gibson’s career,” wrote reporter Sharon Waxman. “The chairmen of two ... major studios said they would avoid working with Mr. Gibson because of ‘The Passion of the Christ’ and the star’s remarks surrounding its release. Neither of the chairmen would speak for attribution, but as one explained: “It doesn’t matter what I say. It’ll matter what I do. I will do something. I won’t hire him. I won’t support anything he’s part of. Personally that’s all I can do.’” Waxman also quoted an agent, John Lesher, who thought Gibson wouldn’t be hurt if the movie was a hit. “People here will work with the anti-Christ if he’ll put butts in seats.”

I can’t be sure that the anti-Christ has ever directed or starred in a major motion picture, but plenty of drug addicts, spouse-abusers and convicted felons have—it’s called the artistic temperament. One man convicted of child molestation has directed films for Disney and New Line. Gibson’s criminal rap sheet is clean; he is guilty only of standing by his deluded old man and expressing opinions that are less popular in Hollywood than they are in the rest of the country. For some of the industry’s moguls to deny him employment because they don’t like what he said, or because he made a controversial film, would send a creepy message to the public: that a liberal is someone who will defend to the death your right to agree with him.

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