Wednesday, June 11, 2003

OH GIVE ME A BLEEDIN' BREAK. What does it say about a country that governmental property has to be marked with 'DO NOT SELL"?
She said no one should be surprised that invasion forces aren't helping people.

"All the educated people of Iraq know that the war wasn't for helping the people, but for taking the oil," Hassan said.

"Before we said, 'O Saddam'; now we must say 'O Bush' and 'O Tony Blair.' They have destroyed everything.

"You may have read or seen how people are thanking the U.S. forces, but that is not all of the people, believe me," Hassan said.

Years of sanctions and three wars have left most Iraqis with little or no access to health care. Aid workers say hospitals lack drugs, medical equipment and other supplies needed to care for patients. Most of the shortages are a result of the former U.N. sanctions, but since the end of the war, many hospitals also have been looted.

Drugs and medical equipment, stamped "Ministry of Health -- Do not sell" can be found in markets from Baghdad to Basra.

Read it all here.

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