Monday, December 15, 2003


I don't know whether to spit or go blind.

CPT Patti called this morning as I was driving to work in a snow shower. (I suppose it is more precise to say I was driving to work in my Honda in the midst of a snow shower...)

And she calls to tell me - get this - that she might be coming home for a few days at Christmas.

Might be?

Seems they've found there are often vacant seats on the R&R bird as it leaves Baghdad and so they are establishing a stand-by list.

And she is on it for the 18th of December.

But it is a stand-by list. So...I'm not sure what to do.

Before that phone rang this morning I was completely OK with spending Christmas day by myself.

Before that phone rang this morning I was totally on track for an early March homecoming.

Before that phone rang this morning I was resigned to the absence of marital privilege for a couple of more months.

Holy buckets, now everything is all in a dither.

I feel as if I have one shoe nailed to the floor, while the other walks me around frantically in circles. A lot of energy expended but to what end I can't be quite certain.

So I tell you what...I'm going to do my best to leave this outcome in the hands of the Lord.

However, if you out there have grown fond of CPT Patti or me...and you want to influence His decision with a fervent prayer...well you feel free.

Cause I'm still trying to decide if I go to Duluth or by bus...

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