Tuesday, July 15, 2003

The Democratic National Committee is airing a TV commercial in which they show a clip of President Bush saying "Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

Of course, what the President actually said was "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa".

Once again we see their tactics...repackaging what actually happened and counting on you and me to be too stupid to realize what they are doing.

Or, as I've said before, they are counting on our stupidity to get them elected.

Now, how does that make you feel?

This sort of selective cropping of the soundbite - were it not so overtly politically motivated - would be as funny as the Dr. Phil clips on the Letterman show.

If you haven't seen it, Dave takes a quote from Dr. Phil, something on the order of "You might be thinking "Goodness, you are the ugliest woman I've ever seen", but you don't come out and say that."

Dave edits that down to "Goodness, you are the ugliest woman I've ever seen" and plays the clip.


(via Instapundit)

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