Friday, May 16, 2003


When the U.S. Organization for Reconstruction and Humanitarian Aid (ORHA) made its first TV broadcast to the Iraqi people Wednesday night, the new channel used as its logo the eight-pointed star seen on many buildings here. If ORHA's head of communication, Margaret Tutwieler, or her staff had consulted with any Iraqis before adopting this logo, they'd have known that the eight-pointed star is the symbol of . . . the Ba'ath Party.

Bremer is taking over a very troubled agency: ORHA - America's inadequate, notoriously slow-moving substitute for an interim occupation government - is as unpopular with the U.S. soldiers on the street as it is with ordinary Iraqis.

Concerns me because to the average Iraqi the face of the United States interim authority is not the bungling bureaucrats...but rather the soldiers on the street. And it is upon those soldiers that the Iraqis will take out their frustration. May want to have your congressman's phone number handy.

See the rest here.

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