Wednesday, May 14, 2003


Delightfully, CPT Patti called this morning using her cell phone to make contact. Wanted to give me an update on their status. She warned me though that with no electricity she cannot recharge her phone and the contact may cease for a while.

Major bummer.

On to the news.

They are temporarily residing at Camp Udairi. Camp Udairi is a "tent city" near the Iraqi border. She indicated that describing it as "spartan" might be a bit too generous.

She says the Gators are lucky enough to have lights in their tents, although the rest of the battalion does not. Other than the few lights there is no electricity in the tent city. However, she reports that her First Sergeant has rigged up a Gator Patio and a Gator Balcony, the only such amenities in the camp. Now I'm having trouble imagining a tent with a balcony...perhaps one day I'll see the photos.

She called at 9:20 am her was already 94 degrees. But they do have access to ice. So, when she can, she puts the ice in her "camelbak" (that is a small back pack that holds drinking water...with a tube that acts as a long straw). That helps in the process of cooling off and remaining hydrated.

They are eating "real food" from a dining facility. However, lines are very long for food and for the few commercial telephones in the camp.

They do not have access to computers in this camp, so she will not be able to read her e-mail until sometime after they arrive in Baghdad. They expect to be in Baghdad by the 1st of June.

She sounded great and said she was doing very well.

I'm glad for that. Bet you are too.

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